Shopping for a Good Home Insurance Stone Oak, San Antonio
It once was that insurance companies in Texas used a standard home insurance form. For example, if you were shopping for home insurance Stone Oak at that time the most common type of policy sold was a Homeowners Form B. Thus, when shopping for home insurance it was somewhat easier to compare among the competing insurance companies. However, that all changed on December 1, 2004, when Texas became a “file and use” state. (see https://www.tdi.texas.gov/rules/2004/1018-059.html#:~:text=Article%205.13%2D2%20%C2%A75A,and%20use%20rate%20filing%20system.) This is important because it now means that insurance companies can write their own insurance policy contracts, file for approval with the state, then sell their own policy.
Does This Change Benefit the Insurance Shopper?
I am on the fence on this one. In my opinion, the Homeowners Form B offers broader coverages for covered perils on the dwelling. Additionally, the standard unendorsed policy covers firearms up to policy limits. However, the unendorsed ISO form that is commonly used today covers firearms starting at $500! Thus, for reasons like this, it is important to shop for a policy that suits your needs. Indeed, it may be better for you to choose a homeowners insurance company that sells the HOB form. On the other hand, some insurance companies add benefits to their policies that will not be found on a HOB form. Thus, when shopping for home insurance Stone Oak, it is a good idea to talk to independent insurance agent.
Call a local agent who can help with your insurance needs
In San Antonio, TX
AlphaSure Affordable Insurance Svcs
16500 San Pedro Ave Suite 296
San Antonio, TX 78232
Office (210) 888-1750
Fax (210) 564-9097
In Laredo, TX
AlphaSure Affordable Insurance Svcs
201 W Del Mar Blvd Ste 20
Laredo, TX 78041
Office (956) 729-9500
Fax (956) 729-9550
Laredo, TX Commercial Insurance Agents | AlphaSure Affordable Insurance Svcs (alpha-insure.com)
AlphaSure Affordable Insurance Services is licensed in the State of Texas.